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Harmony Laser Tattoo Removal

Do you have a permanent tattoo that you regret or have a tattoo that shows your age due to fashion trends in the past?

Harmony XL Pro laser tattoo removal is an advanced Laser. It’s a non-invasive treatment designed to effectively remove unwanted tattoos. Utilising cutting-edge laser technology, this system offers a safe and efficient solution for erasing tattoos of various colours and sizes.

Multi colour tattoo removal requires a high powered laser that can deliver enough energy to be absorbed by all colours. The high power QSwitch Nd YAG 1064nm laser is ideal for treating darker colours while the 532nm wavelength is effective for brighter ink colours.

The Harmony XL Pro targets ink particles with intense light pulses that break up the ink into smaller fragments. These particles are then naturally eliminated by the body’s immune system. This causes the tattoo to fade with minimal risk of scarring or discolouration

The treatment is highly customisable, accommodating different skin types and ink colours, ensuring optimal results. Unlike traditional methods, Harmony XL Pro reduces the risk of scarring and skin damage. Each session is quick, typically lasting only a few minutes, with the number of sessions required depending on the tattoo’s age, size, and pigment depth.

Ideal for those looking to remove past ink decisions, Harmony XL Pro offers a fresh start, delivering clear, ink-free skin through a safe and effective process.

Can any tattoo be lasered?

In theory, yes tattoos can be completely removed however, this depends on several factors. How well a tattoo responds depends on its age and colours, older tattoos are easier to remove, as are blacks, dark blues & brown ink. Also more treatments are required for larger, more complex and colourful tattoos which means the removal process is longer. Other factors that effect the treatment response is the type of ink used, the depth and skin tone. This is why consultations and patch tests are always required.

Popular Tattoo Removal Treatments are:

Eye Brow Tattoo Removal / Microblading Removal

Laser eyebrow tattoo removal is popular due to its effectiveness and precision in erasing unwanted or outdated eyebrow tattoos.  It appeals to those seeking corrections or changes to their eyebrow tattoos, providing a way to adjust to new beauty trends or rectify past mistakes. Additionally, advancements in laser technology have made the process safer, increasing its  preference among those looking to reclaim their natural eye brow or to have their brows tattooed again.

Name Tattoo Removal

Popular tattoos often targeted for laser removal include names, especially those of former partners, as well as outdated or poorly executed designs.

Symbol Tattoo Removal

Symbols that no longer represent a person’s current lifestyle are also common candidates.

Faded Tattoo Removal

Tattoos with colours that have faded  over time (ghost tattoo) or those that have blurred edges often lead individuals to seek removal services to restore a cleaner, more natural appearance to their skin.


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Frequently Asked Questions

Can a tattoo be fully removed with laser?

Yes, a tattoo can be fully removed with laser treatment, although the success of complete removal varies based on several factors. These include the age of the tattoo, the colours of the ink used, the depth of the ink in the skin, and the individual's skin type. Modern laser technologies, like the Harmony XL Pro, are designed to target and break down ink particles safely and effectively. Multiple sessions are typically required, spaced six weeks apart. This allows the skin to heal and the body to flush out the ink particles. While many tattoos are removed with excellent results, some may leave a faint shadow or slight discolouration of the skin. It's important to have a consultation with a qualified laser treatment provider to understand the potential outcomes based on your specific tattoo and skin characteristics.

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Does laser tattoo removal really work?

Tattoos were considered permanent, but thanks to advances in laser technology, the Harmony XL Pro laser can get rid of tattoos safely and effectively. Laser tattoo removal is the only and most effective/fastest way to remove tattoos.

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How painful is laser removal tattoo?

Before treatment numbing cream is applied, clients report that getting the tattoo done is far more painful than getting it removed. In clinic our we ensure that the client is comfortable thoughout.

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How many sessions does it take to remove a black tattoo?

It’s not possible to predict the number of sessions required for tattoo removal, however most tattoos generally take 6 – 10 sessions. Larger, deeper or newer tattoos may take more than 10 treatments.

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Why is the Alma Harmony XL Pro laser tattoo removal superior to competitors on the market?

The Alma Harmony XL Pro laser tattoo removal system stands out from its competitors due to several key features:

  1. Versatility: It is equipped with multiple laser wavelengths, enabling it to target and break down a wide range of ink colours effectively. This makes it suitable for removing complex and multicoloured tattoos that other systems may struggle with.
  2. Safety: The Harmony XL Pro is designed with advanced safety features that minimize the risk of skin damage. Its precise laser technology ensures that the surrounding skin remains unharmed, reducing the likelihood of scarring compared to other systems.
  3. Effectiveness: The system uses high-powered laser pulses that penetrate deeper into the skin, ensuring more effective ink dispersion. This means it can achieve significant fading and removal of tattoos in fewer sessions.
  4. Customizable Treatments: It offers customizable settings that can be adjusted according to the patient's skin type, tattoo pigment depth, and colour. This personalized approach helps in achieving the best possible results for each individual.

Overall, the Alma Harmony XL Pro provides a comprehensive, effective, and safe solution for tattoo removal, setting it apart from other options available on the market.

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Can I expose my tattoo to the sun while getting it removed?

It is strongly advised to avoid exposing your tattoo to the sun while undergoing laser tattoo removal treatments. Sun exposure can significantly increase the risk of complications such as skin irritation, inflammation, and even hyperpigmentation or hypopigmentation in the treated area. The skin becomes more sensitive and vulnerable during the removal process, and UV rays can interfere with healing.

To protect your skin, cover the treated area with clothing or a bandage when going outdoors, and use a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher. This is crucial not only during the course of your treatment sessions but also for several weeks following each session to ensure optimal healing and effective tattoo removal results.

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Click the booking link on this page to book now. Alternatively, if you have a question feel free to email the clinic by completing this form and we will respond within 24 hours.


From- £100

Areas we treat; 

-Face- inc, eyebrow tattoos 


Discounts on Courses, Packages & Memberships are available where a consultation is required.
Interest free payment plans from 3-9 months

Opening Times

Monday 10am – 5pm
Tuesday 10am – 7pm
Wednesday 10.30am – 7pm
Thursday 10am – 7pm
Friday 9am - 5pm
Saturday 9am - 4pm
Sunday Close

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147 Sutton Rd,
Wylde Green,
Sutton Coldfield,
B23 5TN

Tel:  0121 350 8482Tel:  07794 168 651Tel:  07794 168 651 (Out of Hours)

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