Under no circumstances can we use an offer in conjunction with any other offer at any time.
All courses are strictly non refundable and can not be exchanged or transferred/shared with anyone else, see full details below.
Fiji Skin Clinic has the right to end or amend the offer T&Cs at any point.
Get 10% off ALL skincare & skin supplements during your treatment course– T&C’s: Only Valid when a course of treatments have been paid in full. Courses & discount cannot be shared with anyone else and are valid until the course has been completed and for a maximum of 6 months if the course has not been redeemed in full. Fiji has the right to cancel or change this offer at any time. Not to be used in conjunction with any other offers.
Environ Christmas Boxsets – 50% voucher can only be used against any Fiji facelift treatment or obagi radiance peel. The treatment must be booked for the day and time of collection that your pre ordered boxset is arranged. For the Vita Peptide, AVST Boxsets and clarity boxsets only – If required we will switch out toners or cleansers for any others within the Environ range i.e switch AVST toner for Derma Lac toner or switch AVST Cleanser for Sebuwash. This switch is dependent on our stock levels, its first come first serve. Where possible we will also offer the Fiji Facelift treatment or obagi radiance peel on the day of boxset purchase (if not pre ordered). If this is not possible we will book your facial appt within 3 weeks of the gift set purchase or you will lose your 50% off. Voucher can be used by someone else and can be given away as a gift to a friend or family member. This voucher/treatment cannot be exchanged/refunded for cash or be changed for any other service/products. Clients can purchase multiple skin boxes to receive multiple vouchers, it’s not restricted to one person. Fiji has the right to cancel or change this offer at any time. Not to be used in conjunction with any other offers.
Christmas Advanced Nutrition Program – T&c’s: Not valid with any other offer. Valid whilst stocks last. Fiji has the right to cancel or change this offer at any time. Not to be used in conjunction with any other offers.
Obagi Nuderm & Crx kits- T&C’s:Only valid while stock lasts. Blue Radiance Peel must be booked on the day of purchase. Treatment can be used as a gift to someone else. Fiji has the right to cancel or change this offer at any time. Not to be used in conjunction with any other offers.
Morpheus 8- T&C’s: Not valid with any other offer. Payment / finance must be completed by 28th Feb 2025. Fiji has the right to cancel or change this offer at any time. Not to be used in conjunction with any other offers. Fiji also has the right to decline treatment to clients we deem unsuitable.
HIFU- T&c’s: Not valid with any other offer. Payment / finance must be completed by 28th Feb 2025. Fiji has the right to cancel or change this offer at any time. Not to be used in conjunction with any other offers.
Payment Terms for Memberships:
You hereby authorise Fiji Skin Clinic to collect the successive monthly payments of your desired membership plan. The first payment being due on the 1st of the following month after the date of enrolment. All subsequent payments being due on the 1st of every other month there after.
Payments are due in full on the first of each month. If payment fails, the Client must remedy this situation and provide a valid form of payment within seven (7) calendar days or the Client may be removed from the membership Programme.
Payments are made via Go Cardless.
Excluding the initial 7 day “cooling off period” – No payments will be refunded at any time for any reason.
For all credit or debit card payments:
You hereby consent to having these charges automatically charged to your bank, credit or debit card on the due date.
Fiji Skin Clinic is authorised to collect the payment due (in full) by collecting on any/all credit or debit cards that are provided to Fiji Skin Clinic by the client
The client may determine which payment method is preferred and the client is responsible for informing Fiji Skin Clinic of this preference at least five (5) business days prior to the payment due date since Fiji Skin Clinic’s payment system may automatically charge one of the cards on file that may not be the client’s preferred payment method. You may withdraw from the membership at any time by submitting an email to info@fijiskinclinic.co.uk giving one month’s notice.
For Memberships the Direct Debit is taken 1st of each month, no contract or sign up fee.
Discounts cannot be used in conduction with any other offer or courses for products, courses and or treatments.
You can have unlimited treatments with 10%/ 15% off per month (depending on membership plan), these may be in addition to the Hydrafacial/LP/Dermapen or instead of.
Cannot share membership or course with anyone else.
For memberships, treatments must be received within timescales (4-6 weeks) and cannot be rolled over into other months. Membership money is non refundable.
The Hydrafacial/LP/Dermapen can be exchanged for any other treatment, the value of the monthly subscription can be used towards your chosen treatment.
Memberships can be cancelled at any point with 30 days notice, once cancelled you will not be able to rejoin for 12 months.
The membership money can only be used towards treatments and not products.
Dermapen is for Full Face, you can upgrade to Full Face & Neck and get 15% off.
The Medical LED is 10 minute add on using Dermalux Triwave MD.
The free add on Hydrafacial or Lp Facelift can be added on to any treated top your choice as long as it is suitable.
Treatment timings may vary depending on skin health. The treatment times advertised also includes the time it takes for the client to checkin, get comfortable on the couch, check out and rebook the next treatment. The times stated are not the complete time that clients are on the couch being treated. When there are fewer skin concerns or fewer areas to treat, the treatment time maybe slightly shorter or the time under the LED Lights can be extended. This is because the skin cannot be overworked, as this can cause sensitivity such as redness, breakouts and an impaired skin barrier. Therefore, to not risk causing sensitivity to the skin the treatment times maybe shorter then advertised.
During Pregnancy & Breastfeeding memberships can be suspended or cancelled. Any remaining credit on the account will be held until after breastfeeding and not refunded. Please advise the clinic of pregnancies via info@fijiskinclinic.co.uk or call 0121 350 8482.
Discounts cannot be used in conduction with any other offer or courses for products and or treatments.
Money can not be used towards other treatments or products.
Cannot share membership with anyone else.
Treatments must be received within timescales (12-14 weeks) and cannot be rolled over into other months.
Membership money is non refundable.
Can be cancelled at any point with 30 days notice.
Once cancelled you will not be able to rejoin for 12 months.
The membership money can only be used towards treatments and not products.
Treatments can not be transferred or shared with anyone else.
Memberships are non refundable and cannot be exchanged for other services or retail products.
Fiji Skin Clinic has the right to end or amend the offer T&Cs at any point
You hereby agree that all Course sales are final, non-refundable, and non-transferrable at any time for any reason after the initial 7 day “cooling off period”. If a refund is honoured a £40 administration fee is applied to cover the time taken to process everything. Any treatments that have been redeemed is charged at the list price for a single pay as you go treatment. They will not be charged at the discounted course rate. Any appointments/treatments where by the client has failed to show or has not given 48hours to cancel or rearrange will also be deducted from the full price of the course paid by the client. The remaining balance from the course will be returned.
The ONLY exception for a refund from a course is if a severe medical condition has been diagnosed during the course which makes it possible to continue treatment. The medical condition must be supported by a doctors letter. This does not include pregnancy.
Courses will be extended for an additional 18 months for pregnancies during your course, the course is non refundable. Please advise the clinic of pregnancies via info@fijiskinclinic.co.uk or call 0121 350 8482
You agree to make the course payment in full either before or on the day of your initial treatment.
You agree that full payment must be made on time. If payment is not made on time, Fiji Skin Clinic reserves the right to not carry out the treatment at the discounted course rate.
You agree that you have fully consented to any payment to Fiji Skin Clinic and that any/all payments are valid and that you have consented to the purchase of the treatment course and or goods.
You agree to waive any/all rights to charge-back, dispute, or make claims (“disputes”) against any payment made to Fiji Skin Clinic as being fraudulent, purchased in error, services not delivered to you, product not received, goods not received or any other dispute which claims that any payment is unlawful .
You agree to not initiate any disputes or claims through your credit card company, bank, lending institution, or any other payment provider since you have fully consented to all payments and thus you agree that you may not dispute any payments made to Fiji Skin Clinic.
Courses can not be transferred or shared with anyone else.
Payment of complete course needs to be paid in full on completion of the first treatment in the course.
Courses are non refundable and cannot be exchanged for other services or retail products.
All courses are are valid for 12 months from purchase, with the exception of Laser hair removal courses which are valid for 18 months.
Courses will be extended for an additional 18 months for pregnancies during your course, the course is non refundable. Please advise the clinic of pregnancies via info@fijiskinclinic.co.uk or call 0121 350 8482.
Fiji Skin Clinic has the right to end or amend the offer T&Cs at any point
No products are refundable or exchangeable unless product is faulty. You must call and message/email on 01213508482 or info@fijiskinclinic.co.uk if you have a faulty product
Your £25 booking deposit will be taken off the refund to cover practitioner, advice and machine time if a Skin Analysis was performed.
If the products are return damaged, or have been tampered with we cannot refund the products.
Gift Cards or Online Vouchers are valid for 12months from date of purchase.
If you refer a friend that is new to Fiji Skin Clinic you will both receive 20% OFF your next treatment.
Upon booking please mention the referrer and referee names and the discount will be applied at the till after your treatment.
20% discount applies to treatments £150 or above in one single transaction.
Offer cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer or redeemed on products.
20% Off must be redeemed within 2 months of referral.
Cannot be used against any course purchases.
Offer valid until 31st December 2025.
Fiji Skin Clinic has the right to end or amend the offer T&Cs at any point.
When you leave a google review you will receive 20% OFF your next treatment.
20% discount applies to treatments £150 or above in one single transaction.
Offer cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer or redeemed on products
20% Off must be redeemed within 2 months of google review.
Cannot be used against any course purchases.
Offer valid until 31st December 2025.
Upon booking please mention the review and the discount will be applied at the till after your treatment.
Fiji Skin Clinic has the right to end or amend the offer T&Cs at any point.
Receive 20% off on your Birthday when you subscribe to email & SMS marketing and give us your date of birth.
Can be used towards facials & body treatments, over £150 in one single transaction.
The only Hydrafacial that this voucher can be redeemed towards is Platinum Hydrafacial.
Please show voucher at reception to redeem.
Voucher must be used within 2 months of receipt of email.
Offer cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer or redeemed on products.
Cannot be used against any course purchases.
Upon booking please mention the voucher and the discount will be applied at the till after your treatment.
It is the responsibility of the client to inform the clinic if there has been any medical history changes BEFORE their appointment as the booked treatment may need to be cancelled or changed. If you are unsure please call or email the clinic asap to clarify.
Please arrive alone for your treatment as waiting areas have limited space and due to the nature of the treatments it is not possible to have another person present during treatment. The only exception is that if you require a guardian or translator.
We only offer non-surgical procedures which give non surgical results. Results will vary from each client and no results can ever be guaranteed. Full results from a course of treatment can take up to 12months and results from just a single treatment may not be noticeable at all.
Skin can often get worse before it gets better especially with inflammatory skin conditions such as psoriasis and acne etc (but not limiting too). If skin does ‘purge’ or seems seem to get worse we can assure you that this is only temporary and is a stage during the cycle as skin is being treated and healing. If you are concerned about your skin please contact the clinic directly so that we are able to support you.
From clinical trials and our own personal experience, clients that combine our recommended skincare, skin supplements and clinical treatments will receive better results faster.
After a course of treatment we recommend regular membership treatments to maintain results as long as possible, results after a course will naturally decline treatments or skincare are not maintained.
No results can ever be guaranteed and some treatments and courses may be unsuccessful.
You must comply with all aftercare and recommendations given to you regarding your treatment, skincare & supplements both before and after treatment takes place.
All alcohol, pain killers, aspirin should be avoid 48 hours before treatment. All medications that are being taken must be reported to Fiji Skin Clinic as they cannot be held liable for any adverse reactions from these when information is with held.
If you have had sun exposure in the last 1-6 weeks you also MUST inform your practitioner giving at least 48 hours notice to avoid any adverse reactions. The clinic can not be held responsible for any adverse reactions due to the failure of the client not disclosing such important information such as sun exposure and or health or medicine changes since last visit. If we are unable to carry out your treatment if you are suntanned or you have fake tan on we will not be able to carry out your treatment safely and it will result in the loss of that treatment if you are on a course or you you will be charged if you are paying as you go.
You must advise Fiji Skin Clinic of all relevant current or new medical details at least 48 hours before each treatment. Fiji Skin Clinic can not be held liable for any adverse reactions that occur due to your failure to disclose such information. You must inform your practitioner of any new medical history since your last treatment if you are on a course.
Before & After photographs are regularly required of the areas being treated for example photos of the face to monitor breakouts. The photos are saved and recorded on our clinic electronic system with the client details to record the effectiveness of the treatment or skincare or supplements.
The £25 booking fee is fully redeemable towards any treatment or products booked or purchased on the day. If no products or service are booked on the day then the £25 booking fee will be charged to cover practitioner time, advice, photos & use of equipment.
If the client does not show or give Fiji Skin Clinic any prior notice of cancelling an appointment more than 2 times under the 48hr cancellation policy. Fiji Skin Clinic holds the right to charge 50% of the treatment booked.
Fiji Skin Clinic aim to provide the best services and recommendations available. If for any reason you are unhappy with your treatment or service, please speak with your practitioner on the day or request a call back from a senior member of staff.
If you have any questions or queries regarding your finance payments please contact the finance company directly. All the information and contact details are on the documentation you have completed and received.
147 Sutton Rd,
Wylde Green,
Sutton Coldfield,
B23 5TN
Tel: 0121 350 8482Tel: 07794 168 651Tel: 07794 168 651 (Out of Hours)
Email: info@fijiskinclinic.co.uk
Need help choosing the right treatment? Book a free call with our experts to guide you through the best options.